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Дата создания страницы  May 10, 2008 Posted in For games Mods

RedForce.SB logo


RedForce.SB – mod for the game Civilization 4: Beyond The Sword.


The list of additions to the mod RedForce.SB


To install addition, download it following the link, start the downloaded file and follow the recommendations of the installation program.


Static leaders

Static leaders

  • After installing this pack into the program, the possibility to install “Static pictures of leaders” will be switched on, it is recommended for the purpose of reducing the load on the computer.


Static_leaders Static_leaders
6.53 MB
Hits: 3110
Static religions

Static religions

  • After installing this pack into the program, the possibility to install “Static pictures at the appearance of new religion” will be switched on, it is recommended for the purpose of reducing the load on the computer.


Static_religions Static_religions
1.09 MB
Hits: 2557
Static wonders

Static wonders

  • After installing this pack into the program, the possibility to install “Static pictures at building great wonders” will be switched on, it is recommended for the purpose of reducing the load on the computer.


Static_wonders Static_wonders
3.33 MB
Hits: 2466
Music for the main menu

Music for the main menu

  • After installing this pack into the program, the possibility to install “New music of the main menu” will be switched on.


Music_for_the_main_menu Music_for_the_main_menu
6.34 MB
Hits: 2653
Animated leaders for additional civilizations

Animated leaders for additional civilizations

  • After installing this pack into the program, the possibility to install animated leaders for additional civilizations.


Animated_leaders_for_additional_civilizations Animated_leaders_for_additional_civilizations
84.98 MB
Hits: 4353
Additional screens of loading

Additional screens of loading
After installing this pack into the program, 20 additional screens of loading on the “Settings of the interface” bookmark will be added.

Additional screens of loading 2

Additional screens of loading 2
After installing this pack into the program, 32 additional screens of loading on the “Settings of the interface” bookmark will be added.

Additional screens of loading 3

Additional screens of loading 3
After installing this pack into the program, 39 additional screens of loading on the “Settings of the interface” bookmark will be added.

Additional screens of loading WW2

Additional screens of loading WW2
After installing this pack into the program, 46 additional screens of loading on the “Settings of the interface” bookmark will be added.

Additional screens of loading WW2 Air

Additional screens of loading WW2 Air
After installing this pack into the program, 64 additional screens of loading on the “Settings of the interface” bookmark will be added.

Additional screens of loading WW2 Force

Additional screens of loading WW2 Force
After installing this pack into the program, 84 additional screens of loading on the “Settings of the interface” bookmark will be added.

Additional screens of loading WW2 Navy

Additional screens of loading WW2 Navy
After installing this pack into the program, 52 additional screens of loading on the “Settings of the interface” bookmark will be added.


