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Дата создания страницы  December 18, 2006 Posted in For games Maps SBGames

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XL maps for Heroes 3 (Heroes of might & magic III).


Map "Europe & America"

Appearance of the map Appearance of the map

  • Are included in archive (Single & Allied versions for all):
    • Versions without spells “Town Portal”, “Dimension Door”, “Flight”.
    • Versions without spell “Dimension Door”.
    • Versions without restrictions on magics.
    • Versions of high complexity (in folders “Impossible”).
    Title: "Europe & America 4.0"
    Size: XL [144 x 144] (Single & Allied versions)
    Number of players/people: 8/8
    Number of teams: 8/4
    Languages: English
    Game version: The shadow of dead (or high)
    Refreshed: 2017.09.16


    1.37 MB
    Hits: 4705
    English and Russians versions for HotA:

    Europe_and_America_HOTA Europe_and_America_HOTA.rar
    1.07 MB
    Hits: 2905


    Map "Africa & South America"

    Appearance of the map Appearance of the map

    Title: "Africa & South America 1.3"
    Size: XL [144 x 144] (Single & Allied versions)
    Number of players/people: 8/8
    Number of teams: 8/4
    Languages: English
    Game version: The shadow of dead (or high)
    Refreshed: 2014.08.31


    480.0 kB
    Hits: 2428

    Map "Asia & Australia"

    Appearance of the map Appearance of the map

    Title: "Asia & Australia 1.3"
    Size: XL [144 x 144] (Single version)
    Number of players/people: 7/7
    Number of teams: 7
    Languages: English
    Game version: The shadow of dead (or high)
    Refreshed: 2014.08.31


    400.0 kB
    Hits: 2151

    Map "Europe & Asia"

    Appearance of the map Appearance of the map

    Title: "Europe & Asia 1.3"
    Size: XL [144 x 144] (Single & Allied versions)
    Number of players/people: 8/8
    Number of teams: 8/4
    Languages: English
    Game version: The shadow of dead (or high)
    Refreshed: 2014.08.31


    525.0 kB
    Hits: 2698


    How to add a map for "Heroes 3" ›››


    On the site also are available other maps for Heroes 3:
    World map of the superbig size for Heroes 3 ›››
    Huge size map of Ukraine for Heroes 3 (Heroes of might & magic III) ›››



    Дата выхода 2017.09.16
    Update “Europe & America” to version 4.0

    • Added versions without restrictions of magics
    • Added versions of high complexity (in folders “Impossible”)
    • Have been added versions for HotA

    Дата выхода 2014.08.31
    Update “Europe & America” to version 3.2. Update “Europe & Asia”, “Africa & South America”, “Asia & Australia” to version 1.3.

    Дата выхода 2013.09.08
    Update “Europe & America” to version 3.1. Update “Europe & Asia”, “Africa & South America”, “Asia & Australia” to version 1.2.
    Дата выхода 2012.11.06
    Update “Europe & Asia” to version 1.1.
    Дата выхода 2012.02.01
    Available for download “Europe & Asia”.
    Дата выхода 2011.04.20
    Update “Asia & Australia” to version 1.1.
    Update “Europe & America ” to version 3.0.
    Дата выхода 2010.12.26
    Available for download “Asia & Australia”.
    Update “Africa & South America” to version 1.1.
    Дата выхода 2010.11.05
    Available for download “Africa & South America”.

    Дата выхода 2010.05.04
    Startup of page.


    Join the site communities on social networks to be aware of the release of updates!

